Thursday, May 31, 2012

Upcycled Necklace Organizer

I've been on the hunt to find something to hang my necklaces from. I'm kinda picky so I didn't want it to take up a lot of space, be too "themed", be in the way, able to be knocked over....   Really this list could go on and on.  

Then I saw it on Pinterest one day. Hang it on the wall!! Brilliant, but I don't have nearly as many necklaces as she has, nor did I have all those wooden trim pieces and I didn't want to go buy them, so I just looked for something that I already had. 

 Since we were making some flooring changes (not by want, but by need, think FLOOD) I had a piece of floor moulding hanging out, just waiting for the trash can. This is pressed together board for laminate flooring, not actual real hard wood, but I think that would work too. 
This is a transition piece so there is a lip area on the back.  My piece looks like this from the back. 
I ran over to Lowe's and picked up a package of white furniture nails, yep already painted! There are 25 in the package so I only needed to get one! 25 furniture nails for $1.30, Free Floor Moulding and I had some white spray paint already, so this ended up being a CRAZY cheap project for me. 

All I did was spray paint the board with a couple coats of paint and let it dry. I tried to hammer in some brackets on the back to hang it from but this type of wood is HARD and I actually broke more than one getting them in. Then of course once I had them  pounded in and hung it on the wall, it stuck out pretty far from the wall and tipped forward. So I just ended up drilling a couple holes in the back at an upward angle with my DeWalt drill. This really helped snug it up to the wall so I could use that little space as a shelf for pins or pendants. 

(Total after thought, even though the inspiration had a "shelf" area I didn't think that mine would be able to be used like that so I was originally going to hang it with the space down)

Once the paint dried and I had the "hanger" dilemma figured out, I just measured my piece and figured out the spacing for my tacks and drilled holes with my DeWalt drill and DeWalts 1/16" Titanium drill bits. I really needed to pre-drill these holes, there was no way that I could hammer them in and get them in the "spots" that I needed. After I drilled the holes I put the furniture nails in, gave them a little "stay put" tap with the hammer and up it went.

I absolutely love it. It's everything I wanted easy to get to yet out of the way and will still look great if I change the decor in my room!!  Plus it was almost No out of pocket and I'm able to say Yep I made that!!
I still LOVE the original inspiration unit so much that I may "upgrade" one day!!

Thanks for reading my post, I hope you've been inspired to make something out of materials that may otherwise ended up in a landfill. 

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